Eosinophil 1028 cells/µL in your blood test results
You received your blood test result with a Eosinophil value of 1028 cells/µL. This analysis helps you to check if your Eosinophil value is within normal range.
Your Eosinophil value of 1028 cells/µL is way too high. A good Eosinophil count is usually between 100 and 500 cells/µL.
Lower your Eosinophil count by 528 cells/µL to be within normal range.
In children, eosinophil levels vary with age.
On the other hand, the causes and risks for an elevated eosinophil level are varied. The medical term for this is eosinophilia, and it means the number of these white blood cells are at least 500 per microliter of blood. In severe cases, the eosinophils can be as high as 5000 per microliter of blood. It can be caused by:
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Eczema and other inflammatory conditions of the skin
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Parasites
- Cancers, including a type of leukemia called hypereosinophilic myeloid neoplasms
- Side effects of medications
Treatment & Medication
As with a count that is too low, treatment for eosinophilia depends on what is causing it. Treatment to eradicate parasites can return eosinophil levels to normal. Some patients respond well to corticosteroids.
Useful Information
Eosinophils are white blood cells that get their name because they can be easily stained by eosin, a type of red dye. Like other white blood cells, eosinophils are made in the bone marrow and part of the immune system. They protect the body from attack from pathogens and helps the body fight pathogens and allergens through their role in inflammation.