GGT 8 U/l in your blood test results

You received your blood test result with a GGT value of 8 U/l. This analysis helps you to check if your GGT value is within normal range.

Your GGT value of 8 U/l is too low. A good Gamma-GT (GGT) is usually between 9 and 48 U/l.

Increase your Gamma-GT (GGT) by 1 U/l to be within normal range.

Please note: gender influences the normal range of the Gamma-GT level. For men, 9-48 U/l are considered normal, while for woman values between 5 and 55 U/l are still okay.


A low GGT level may be caused by the following factors: A magnesium deficiency Hypothyroidism People who are at a high risk of developing a low GGT level include those affected by either of the factors listed above as well as pregnant women.

Treatment & Medication

A normal GGT level can vary but is generally between 9 and 48 International Units per Liter (U/L) for men and between 5 and 55 U/L for women depending on age. Treatment of the underlying condition is the recommended approach for increasing GGT levels if they are lower than normal. To enhance levels naturally, consume a well-balanced diet that includes ample amounts of leafy greens, legumes, seeds, and nuts.

Useful Information

Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) is primarily present in liver, kidney, and pancreatic cells. It is an enzyme that is found in many organs throughout the body. Elevated GGT levels in the blood test can be an indicator for various diseases or when inner organs (like the liver) are damaged.

Additional Information