Hematocrit 28.3 % in your blood test results
You received your blood test result with a Hematocrit value of 28.3 %. This analysis helps you to check if your Hematocrit value is within normal range.
Your Hematocrit value of 28.3 % is too low. A good Hematocrit is usually between 36 and 50 %.
Increase your Hematocrit by 7.7 % to be within normal range.
Please note: gender influences the normal range of the hematocrit value should be in. For men, 40-54% are within normal range while for women 40-54% are considered normal.
The causes of a low hematocrit level include diseases that lead to chronic inflammation, bone marrow disease, vitamin or mineral deficiencies, anemia, blood cancers, internal bleeding and sickle cell anemia. Kidney failure is another reason that hematocrit can be too low. Though some of the risks for these conditions are unknown, getting the proper RDA of iron, vitamin B12 or folate lowers the chances of having low hematocrit levels.
Treatment & Medication
Treatment for a low hematocrit level depends on what is causing it. Patients may also need blood transfusions, iron delivered intravenously or medicines that stimulate their bone marrow into making red blood cells.
Useful Information
Haematocrit, or hematocrit is the percentage of erythrocytes or red blood cells in a personâs total blood volume. The test for this is called the Hct test. The normal ranges of this test arenât standard, but a typical range is 38.8 to 50 percent for men and 34.9 to 44.5 percent for women. The hematocrit levels are different for children and change as they age.