Hematocrit 37 % in your blood test results

You received your blood test result with a Hematocrit value of 37 %. This analysis helps you to check if your Hematocrit value is within normal range.

Your Hematocrit value of 37 % is normal. A good Hematocrit is usually between 36 and 50 %.

It is important that the hematocrit stay within normal range so that the red blood cells can deliver oxygen and other nutrients to areas of the body that need them. This can’t happen if there are too few blood cells, and even too many red blood cells interfere with oxygenating the tissues. This is because the blood becomes too thick to deliver oxygen and nutrients properly. If it’s not corrected, very high hematocrit levels can lead to cardiovascular problems.

Please note: gender influences the normal range of the hematocrit value should be in. For men, 40-54% are within normal range while for women 40-54% are considered normal.

Useful Information

Haematocrit, or hematocrit is the percentage of erythrocytes or red blood cells in a person’s total blood volume. The test for this is called the Hct test. The normal ranges of this test aren’t standard, but a typical range is 38.8 to 50 percent for men and 34.9 to 44.5 percent for women. The hematocrit levels are different for children and change as they age.

Additional Information