Hemoglobin 17.9 g/dL in your blood test results

You received your blood test result with a Hemoglobin value of 17.9 g/dL. This analysis helps you to check if your Hemoglobin value is within normal range.

Your Hemoglobin value of 17.9 g/dL is too high. A good Hemoglobin is usually between 12.5 and 17 g/dL.

Lower your Hemoglobin by 0.9 g/dL to be within normal range.

Please note: age and gender influence the normal range of the hemoglobin value should be in. For men, 14-18g/dL are within normal range while for women 12-16g/dL are considered normal. The normal range for children is also different.


High concentrations of hemoglobin (in which the body produces or maintains an excessive amount of red blood cells), which is known scientifically as polycythemia, may be elicited by several biological and environmental factors. Such causes include polycythemia vera (which genetically predisposes those afflicted to the condition), various heart and cardiovascular disorders, being dehydrated, carbon monoxide exposure, heavy smoking and alcoholism.

Treatment & Medication

As in the treatment of low hemoglobin, remedying polycythemia is contingent upon identifying and correcting the underlying precipitator. If the condition can be tied to a lifestyle decision such as smoking or drinking, the cessation of such habits might fix the problem. Those afflicted with polycythemia vera may benefit from a medical procedure known as phlebotomy (blood letting) in which blood is drawn until their hemoglobin levels reach normal levels. In some instances, medications could be of benefit. Individuals whose conditions are caused by issues such as heart or cardiovascular problems may find relief by treating those ailments.

Useful Information

Abundant in red blood cells, hemoglobin is a protein charged with the crucial responsibility of transporting oxygen from an individual's lungs to his or her cells and tissues.

Additional Information