MCHC 32.6 g/dL in your blood test results
You received your blood test result with a MCHC value of 32.6 g/dL. This analysis helps you to check if your MCHC value is within normal range.
Your MCHC value of 32.6 g/dL is too low. A good Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) is usually between 33.4 and 35.5 g/dL.
Increase your Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) by 0.8 g/dL to be within normal range.
In many instances, low MCHC counts are precipitated by various forms of anemia, which is an abnormally low bodily concentration of red blood cells. Anemia often results from medical conditions that cause internal bleeding such as various digestive disorders and specific blood cancers. Anemia may also be elicited by a nutritional iron deficiency, a variety of illnesses that interfere with the body's ability to metabolize iron and certain parasitic infections.
Treatment & Medication
Treatment typically involves identifying the underlying cause and determining the most appropriate remedial effort. In cases of vitamin deficiency, supplementing the afflicted individual's diet with more iron and vitamins supplement preparations containing that element may resolve the problem. When MCHC is precipitated by blood loss, transfusions may return readings to the normal range. Should a specific disease be the cause of MCHC-inducing anemia, treating the condition in question may stabilize the excessively low numbers.
Useful Information
The Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration, abbreviated as MCHC entails how much hemoglobin is contained inside a red blood cell. The following piece will examine the causes that might precipitate both low and high MCHC readings, treatment options for each of these medical conditions and why maintaining normal MCHC levels are important to someone's overall health. What Is Hemoglobin? Hemoglobin is a protein and a critical component of blood's content. The substance carries out the crucial role of transporting the oxygen-rich blood to the body's cells, tissues and organs that enables each particular structure to properly function.